Women's Play
From March 1st to October 31st, the 18 Hole Women’s group has the course on Tuesday mornings between 7:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Their general meeting is the first Tuesday of each month.
During winter play, the first tee time is reserved on Tuesday for this group from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.
Members of the 18-Hole Women’s association may also join the Oregon Women’s Golf Association
The Nif-Tee Niners
Our 9-hole ladies group who plays on Thursdays, alternating between the front and back nine.
The Nif-Tee Niners general meeting is the last Thursday of each month.
Both these groups have an active and varied social calendar and are always eager for new member participation
Men's League
Wedndesday evenings staring at 4:00 pm, this fun, competive group starts the last week of May, going to the first week of August. They play for 9 holes.
Junior Golf
The Club offers a junior golf program for children and grandchildren age 5 to 18. Inquire at the Pro Shop about our summer camps and private lessons.
Tournament Infomation
Please see the Pro Shop for upcoming Tournaments.
They will have signup sheets available
Learn more about each of the above groups, contact the proshop for the current Captains

Click/tap on the image to find the tournament
results for the 46th Abby's Invitational.